Being Rooted and Grounded in Love

One of the purest and most powerful motivators is love. What it does is always look for what is best in others and helps us reach higher levels in our relationships. It helps us to find joy in the giving of ourselves. And this being the Christmas season, it allows our relationships to be much more meaningful and happy.

The beauty of living a life being rooted in love is that it creates the riches soil needed in growing a relationship with loved ones. I had a garden last summer and now better realize how important it is to create the perfect environment for plants to grow. By the end of the summer I was able to share my fruits from my labor of love. The same labor of love is needed in your relationships on a daily basis.

As each of us was born, we all were born with a life longing and thirsting for love. It seems like we can stand a little taller, sleep a little better and live a less fearful life when we know that there is someone who truly loves us. And when we find success in any area, it feels so good to be able to celebrate the moment with love ones. I remember back in 1985 getting a new position at work and taking my family out to dinner to celebrate… how special that was being with those that I loved and who also loved and depended on me.

The interesting part of love is that it is not something that is tangible. You can give your family the best home, clothes, education and summer vacations, but without giving your unconditional love to them, you are neglecting a much more vital need that each of them has. Therefore the love that you express to your family is infinitely more valuable than any possession you could ever give them.

Being grounded in love will allow you to consistently meet the needs of those in your family… giving them the feeling they are of value in your life. Each of us has a special area within that I like to call your “Love Bank”, that when full, allows us to live a happy and content life. The actions we take towards helping others are what fills this bank for them and it is so important that it is being filled. Without your “Love Bank” being filled regularly it allows issues to arise like depression, anger, etc. We sometimes wonder why people act the way they do… in most cases it is because there is lack of love and a feeling of isolation in there lives.

People who are rooted and grounded in love are very valuable in life. They will be your best friends and will always be there for you no matter what the situation is. This is my challenge to you and that is to change your world today by loving people more. To love, is a decision you make… it is not necessary a feeling you must have. If you have to wait to feel like loving someone, you might never get that feeling and you will be missing out on a life that could have been tremendous. I want you to make a decision today to love all those who you are with, whether it be a spouse, a child or a close friend. Root and ground yourself in a love that says that you can be trusted, that you will be there for them, that you truly care for them and that you will always be cheerful and excited to see and be with them.

Don and Shirley Schaefer

Understanding it is easier to teach principles of good relationships before problems occur; the Schaefers have been designing programs such as Married for Life to help educate couples in the importance of working on their relationships. Their programs teach some of the basic skills that are so vital in building and maintaining healthy relationships and strong families.

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