Parenting 101

For hundreds of years new parents learned the fine points of child rearing by the examples they saw around them. They took the techniques that their parents had used on them and used them on their children. Today this approach is more likely to blow up in their face than be successful.

So many of us when we fail to achieve successful child rearing, just throw up our hands and say, “I don’t understand it, it worked for my parents!” Yes it did, but times have changed some. Today we live in the world where children have more rights, the internet, cell phones, advanced TV, and many more other distractions that have radically changed the way children today view life. Children today are being forced to grow up much faster than we ever did and it is important that they learn how to cope with the tremendous challenges that lie before them.

The impact of living in households of divorce, single parents and blended families has put our children’s mental growth into challenging situation. That’s where The Parenting 101 Workshop comes in, to help parents to understand the foundations that need to be established in every child’s life, in today’s complex and changing world. It is set up as a seven week work shop, which is designed to help you as the parent to understand the importance of your role in your child’s life and give you some tools to help you build the best life possible for him or her. The key to maturity in your child is for you to play the right role and make the right decisions allowing him or her to grow to the place where he or she can reach adulthood making the right decisions. You will be in the process of transferring who you are into your child so that his or her values become the same as yours. These sessions will work as building blocks of effective parenting and will be invaluable to you as time goes on.

Each session will be a pearl of understanding, helping you to establish an effective plan in dealing with the issues that most parents will face in raising their children. Shirley and I do not proclaim to be experts by any means in child rearing but do have a good understanding of the important parts of it. The Parenting 101 Workshop will not be a foolproof system that works every time and in every situation. No system or program can ever promise that. But this workshop has a strong chance of working in most situations and we want to offer it to as many child rearing families as we can.

You will find that much of what is to be discussed in this workshop deals with the parents and not so much the children. We find that if we can help parents to think, act and have the proper attitude mastered, that the handling of most issues will be easily taken care of. How we approach and live life will be the great examples that will allow our children to grow in maturity as they succeed in life . It will teach them to think and make the right choices knowing as they grow older, that it becomes their responsibility how they live life and not that of their parents. In short you will be teaching them responsibility and that is what parenting is all about.

What greater gift can you give your child than that of giving them an opportunity for a happy, successful and responsible adult life? And we believe the principles that will be taught in The Parenting 101 Workshop will help achieve that result.

Don and Shirley Schaefer

With today's challenges and hectic pace, many couples are losing control of the direction their marriages. Our Married for Life Program is about not waiting any longer to put in the power that's necessary to see your relationship flourish, it's about seizing the opportunity, while it is still there, to challenge yourself to lead a marriage of your own design, rather than one that has been scripted by your own environment, society or anyone else.

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