I would like to start this week’s message by taking a moment to thank all those who have responded to the past couple of week’s messages. As you know, this message goes out weekly to hundreds of people from all over the world and at times it is hard to respond back to all the comments, but they are appreciated and cherished by Shirley and myself.
When you truly love someone there are key attributes that should be present. Two of these attributes should be patience and kindness. Much of the characteristics of love are based on these two elements, which in many cases are lacking in the relationships we have. To live a happy and fruitful life with our families we will need an unlimited supply of both.
To be patient you must be willing to “suffer long” for the greater good of another that you are in relationship with. It is much like the person who is willing to work and sacrifice to see their children’s needs being taken care of and to someday see them be on their own. Things on a day to day basis might not look good, but it is the final product that you are looking to produce.
The issue that much of our society is seeing is no patience. People have no knowledge of the true operations of love and impatiently want the fruits of labor without putting the effort needed to produce them. They want instant good marriage relationships without realizing that this is a product of time, love and effort. The same holds so true with raising stable and healthy children… it takes years of patience and kindness to produce this, but because of moments that are not ideal, parents are giving up on love and not being patient with them. I today, am so thankful for my parents, who at times had to be very patient with me, because of the adventurous spirit in me that didn’t always take me into ideal places.
All of your efforts will pay off and you will have the endurance to keep going forward, only if you can grow your love ability to a level where you have patience. As you patiently take the time to do all that is proper, there will be eventually a time where you will see the rewards of a job well done. But today requires of you enduring patience. It is something that will demonstrate your love for those in your life. And when you do this it will bring maturity to you and your loved ones, as well as needed grace and peace in the midst of your problems.
You will be tested on your level of patience regularly by your loved ones and can feel very angry in that moment, but you need to stay in control of yourself not to say or do anything that would damage their hearts and minds. Your lack of patience can leave deep and emotional scars in your love one for many years to come.
Another one of the greatest elements of expressing genuine love is showing kindness to your love ones. Your kindness should be something you carry with you where ever you go. True love will make you kind and kindness will make you lovable. True love is a decision and it is demonstrated by the acts of kindness you do.
When you put your love in action through kindness, it will lead you to service – seeing a need and moving to meet it and honoring others by putting their needs and interests ahead of your own. In demonstrating your love through kindness you will become more willing to say ”yes” rather than “no” in doing things. People are attracted to kindness and you should be the most attractable person in your loved ones lives.
Take the time today by doing some unexpected act of kindness towards your loved ones and if it gets noticed… ask them to pay it forward by demonstrating kindness to someone else!
You are God’s gift of patience and kindness to all that are in your world!!
With today's challenges and hectic pace, many couples are losing control of the direction their marriages. Our Married for Life Program is about not waiting any longer to put in the power that's necessary to see your relationship flourish, it's about seizing the opportunity, while it is still there, to challenge yourself to lead a marriage of your own design, rather than one that has been scripted by your own environment, society or anyone else.
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